早上剛更新了 Google Maps ,試試找出自己的地方,也找到目的地,好好的讓我知道落巴士後應該往哪裡走,方便無比!
It is not easy to catch them all into your mind, however, they did leave something behind for you to enjoy, memorize, taste and hate. Which one will you choose? Moments or stories?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Wedding Ceremony Invitation
We would like to request the honour of your presence at our wedding ceremony. You can refer to the information available from the following URL: http://unityssc.net/wedding.
Wedding photos are also available (for friends who tried to open the photo album but see nothing, please try again as I fixed the Guest Pass permission already), I hope you will enjoy them.
Minnelli | Alexander
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Email sent using Mail for Exchange on Nokia N82.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
我要找的是 Stiffany 。沒錯, 1993 至 1999 年期間她是我的女朋友,其後因為她有第三者而選擇離我去。
我曾經在 Facebook 上找到她,想跟她聯絡但最後她 block 了我,就連她的好友 Sarah 也同樣 block 了我 ...
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
第一次 Business Class 享受
奇怪地,這也是第一次,那位地勤姐姐給我的行李加上了 Business Class Priority Baggage 的行李標示,這也是我最最最快的一次可以取得我的行李:我在行李領取只等了 17 秒!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Email sent using Mail for Exchange on Nokia N82.
Internet Connection Performance
CMCC Peoples with Option Fusion 3G Quad
(Tested in MK Home)
1O1O 3G with HTC Touch HD on Bluetooth Connection
(Tested in St. Paul Hospital)
1O1O 3G with HTC Touch HD on USB Connection
(Tested in 10/F China Hong Kong City)
1O1O 3G with HTC Touch HD on USB Connection
(Tested in St. Paul Hospital)
1O1O 3G with HTC Touch Hero on USB Connection
(Tested in TW Home)
1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in St. Paul Hospital)
1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MAL-HK Office, China Hong Kong City)
1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MAL-HK Office, China Hong Kong City)
1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MK Home)
1O1O 3G NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MK Home)
SmarTone-Vodafone Home Broadband
(Tested in China Hong Kong City)