Received an email promoting a pre-order of a box set of two books.
To be frank, because of the ugly design of the box set I decided not to order it … really ugly! No design alumni could help on this??
It is not easy to catch them all into your mind, however, they did leave something behind for you to enjoy, memorize, taste and hate. Which one will you choose? Moments or stories?
Received an email promoting a pre-order of a box set of two books.
To be frank, because of the ugly design of the box set I decided not to order it … really ugly! No design alumni could help on this??
話說上星期發現那支親愛的 Nokia N95 8GB 表現出現問題,故把它好好的安放在家裡,還在 Facebook 跟大家說它要退役了。
早兩天又發現 Nokia N82 又出現了問題,很多程式都不能正常使用,當中包括了我每天也在使用的 Google Maps 和 Nokia Share Online ... 因為把手機帶到 Nokia 重置需要收費,那是不是代表這是時候要把它們放售,買新機 Nokia N97 或者 Apple iPhone 3G S 呢?
既在這樣的絕境之下,我決定嘗試自行進行硬件重置 (hardware reset *#7370#) 。重置後感到非常興奮,因為它的表現尤如新機一樣!重新設定手機和安裝常用的程式之後,我可以重新享受那暢順的感覺!現時兩部手機,除了仍然沒有直接支援 Facebook 的程式之外,仍然可以滿足我絕大部份的上網需要。或者有需要上 Facebook 的時候,用那 HTC Touch HD 吧!
少了一個很大的理由花錢,卻多了很多理由繼續享受! Nokia N95 8GB 不愧為旗艦機! Nokia N82 仍然讓我再發現生活!它們重生啦~!
嚴格來說是因為【敗犬女王】而開始聽梁靜茹的歌。我不是情聖,不會花錢買演唱會門票來約會女生,也不能整天日夜的跟同事說梁靜茹說的話最感動。不過,我花了一點錢買了【靜茹&情歌.別再為他流淚 MV+Karaoke】看過【屬於】這首歌的 MV ,卻深深被感動了!我被觸動的,不是甚麼激昂的部份,卻是當中淡淡道出維繫感情重要元素。
CMCC Peoples with Option Fusion 3G Quad
(Tested in MK Home)
1O1O 3G with HTC Touch HD on Bluetooth Connection
(Tested in St. Paul Hospital)
1O1O 3G with HTC Touch HD on USB Connection
(Tested in 10/F China Hong Kong City)
1O1O 3G with HTC Touch HD on USB Connection
(Tested in St. Paul Hospital)
1O1O 3G with HTC Touch Hero on USB Connection
(Tested in TW Home)
1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in St. Paul Hospital)
1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MAL-HK Office, China Hong Kong City)
1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MAL-HK Office, China Hong Kong City)
1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MK Home)
1O1O 3G NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MK Home)
SmarTone-Vodafone Home Broadband
(Tested in China Hong Kong City)