Thursday, January 28, 2010


Originally uploaded by Alexander Lai
咁都可以容忍繼續用...服咗你啦, May May !


Originally uploaded by Alexander Lai
咁都可以容忍繼續用...服咗你啦, May May !

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Contact Migration Completed

For the past 3 months I encountered a problem with HTC Hero - Contact List crash.

I used to synchronize HTC Hero Contact List with my Outlook, my ultimate contact management. Therefore I will have access to information of all my friends, partners, vendors, colleagues, whoever I could think of.

The first time my contact list crashed on HTC Hero happened at the end of November, then it happened around once in a month, however, it is too much already! When the contact list was crashed, all contact entries on HTC Hero were gone. I have to synchronize HTC Hero with Outlook again before I could have all entries back ... yes, you are right, what about if I was on the road?

Therefore I started to migrate all contact entries from Outlook to Google Contact, which I could synchronize HTC Hero Contact List directly with on mobile data network. I could also take this opportunity to update contact list and compare the content with information from Facebook, like birthday and email address.

Now I have 907 entries on Google Contact, which still 20 are missing when comparing to Outlook. I will try to find them out - but at least, I could have all my contacts back if the Contact List on HTC Hero was crashed again.



Sunday, January 10, 2010

New US/Canada and China Phone Number

A while a ago I had a new US mobile phone number, from Google Voice (with area code 917, New York City), which your call will be forwarded to my Hong Kong mobile phone number (you will have to hold the line for 20 seconds so that Google Voice will connect your call to my Hong Kong mobile). If you are in US or Canada, please let me know and I will tell you the number. Charges to your call to this number should be the same as the rate you call from your location to New York City, all charges thereafter are on me.

Yesterday I have a group of new China contact numbers which allows you calling me directly. If you are in China, please let me know and I will tell you what these numbers are. Charges to your call to these numbers should be the same as the rate you are calling a China local phone number, all charges thereafter should be on me.

早陣子我從 Google Voice 獲得一個美國手提電話號碼(地區字頭 917 ,紐約市),你致電該號碼時,你的來電會被轉駁至我在香港的手提電話號碼(致電時請你等候最少 20 秒,好讓 Google Voice 為你轉駁來電)。如果你身處美國或加拿大,請讓我知道,我會告訴你該電話號碼。你致電該號碼的收費,應該跟你由你的位置致電紐約市的話費相同,其餘轉駁部份的費用則會由我承擔。



IBM ThinkPad T42

Lenovo IdeaPad S10-2


Custom-built Desktop

Internet Connection Performance

MK Home

TW Home

CMCC Peoples with Option Fusion 3G Quad
(Tested in MK Home)

1O1O 3G with HTC Touch HD on Bluetooth Connection
(Tested in St. Paul Hospital)

1O1O 3G with HTC Touch HD on USB Connection
(Tested in 10/F China Hong Kong City)

1O1O 3G with HTC Touch HD on USB Connection
(Tested in St. Paul Hospital)

1O1O 3G with HTC Touch Hero on USB Connection
(Tested in TW Home)

1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in St. Paul Hospital)

1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MAL-HK Office, China Hong Kong City)

1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MAL-HK Office, China Hong Kong City)

1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MK Home)

1O1O 3G NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MK Home)

SmarTone-Vodafone Home Broadband
(Tested in China Hong Kong City)

HKBN 10MB Business Broadband
(MAL-HK Office)

Hotel - Sheraton Bandara Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia