Sunday, November 25, 2012

Google Blogger App on Android

I believe I had written a blog saying how lovely the Google Blogger App on Android.

I today decided to write more on the blogger rather than on Facebook. After posting the stuff about the Note II LTE, I tried to review the post and also my blog from my phone ... and found how beautiful it could be.

Again, it maybe too late to have this app. But, I still like it a lot.


水瀬尾登上 Home Screen 未必係新聞,不過...先試試找出兩幅照片的分別。

你應該會發現右邊多了一個 mouse coursor 。

不是製作圖片時失手,而是我把 Apple Magic Mouse 2011 以藍芽連接到 Samsung Galaxy Note II LTE 之後,就可以以 mouse 來控制電話了!

一般來說只有左鍵有用,等於 tab screen ,不過還有幾項功能:

1. 長按中鍵等於長按 Home Button ;
2. 長按右鍵等於長按 Back Button ;
3. 支援 screen scrolling 。

在辦公室,我一向有在電話上使用 Apple Wireless Keyboard 2009 ,方便在充電的同時又可以打字。一向都有個困難,就是某些功能必須在電話實機上做,例如選擇多個字符等,現在使用這只 mouse 就可以做了。


Thursday, October 04, 2012

Migration from iPhone to Google Phones

If you are NOT any of the following, the following is the ONLY technical support service that I could provide to you, regarding migration from iPhone to Google Phones:
  • paying customers
  • contributor of TeamViewer License Contribution Project
  • my family members
  • a close friend defined by me
In general, you need to do the following:
  1. export data (Contacts and Calendar) from iCloud, save it as vCard and ICS files on your computer
  2. import data into Google Contacts and Calendar
  3. setup Google phone connecting to your Google account
For exporting data files from iCloud

iCloud: How to back up iCloud data:
Follow steps on this page to export your data from iCloud, save them onto your computer.

Once you have vCard file for your Contacts and ICS file for your Calendar, you can login your Google account, and import them into your Google Contacts and Calendar.

For importing data into Google Services

Importing Contacts:
Import events from iCalendar or CSV files:
For setting up Google account on Google Phone
How to set up a Google account on Samsung Galaxy S3 (S III):
Using Google Services as Primary

After the above steps, your primary location for storing contacts and calendar will be Google Services.  You should create, save, edit and manage contacts and calendar events on your Google account, instead of iCloud.

On your Mac/iPhone/iPad, setup your iOS devices to be synchronized/able to access with Google Services.

Set up Google Sync with your iOS device:
Synchronize Google Apps with Mac:
Setup Google Sync on mobile/desktop:
That's all, hope you could make it.

Friday, March 23, 2012



話說蘋果電腦有件送給我,昨日早上的電郵提及會以 Yamato 派送…嗯?不是找 DHL 再外判給本地三流公司派的嗎!?

把 Waybill Number 記下加到 Parcel 的 watch list 裡,順道看看要多久才送到…嘩! 3 月 26 日?

下午大約四時, Susan 說有貨件給我要我簽收。我又自問︰蘋果一向都說要收件客人簽名,但之前 DHL 從來都冇要求我簽名啊…啊不是說要下星期一嗎?

到門口,看見一位與別不同的速遞員,與別不同的是外表整齊而有禮。她要求我在 waybill form 上簽名,簽名時也發現貼在紙盒上的 waybill form …靚啊!這位李姓的速遞員離開的時候還向我躹躬致謝,說希望我們也會嘗試使用她們的服務。日本公司的文化,如此簡單的事都可以叫人欣賞!

回到坐位,想試試 Yamato 的用心,我嘗試把 waybill form 撕下。一般來說,其他公司的 waybill form 早已與包裝百年好合永不分離,但 Yamato 這張 form 竟然可以順利地不留痕跡地被撕下來,紙盒包裝也沒有任何半層貼紙。我想這種貼紙我太太一定會很喜歡!

嗯…剛好有需要把那半殘不廢的 Kiano 4 Bluetooth Keyboard 送去荔枝角檢查,就開始查價錢和服務詳情了。

一般本地的速遞服務公司,最平的寄件收費級別是 HK$16 ,大一點重一點就開始跳費了。 Yamato 宅急便,或者是日本公司吧,送件分類清楚,文件重量於 1kg 或以下 HK$17 ,必須使用專用文件袋。上一級就是貨件,三邊長度少於 60cm 的收費為 HK$28 ,所有貨件的重量限制均一為 25kg 。我這個 keyboard 不是文件,所以最低收費就是 HK$28 。如果是冷凍貨件,加收 HK$10 。昨日下午在網上預約上門收件,旁晚他們打電話來確認,說早 12 時之前到來收件。

今早大約 10:30 她到了,又是昨日的那位速遞員到來收件。我相信她是負責這一區的服務員。她為我填寫文件( waybill form 也不用自己填),替我核對資料,檢查包裝是否穩妥,恭整地把 waybill form 貼上,也即時給我收據。她沒有像一般公司的伯伯嬏嬏把我的貨件掉在袋裡不顧一切往門口奔跑,反而叫我放心她會把貨件平安送達。同樣地她離開的時候還向我小躹躬致謝,說希望我們會繼續使用她們的服務。

比使用本地的公司貴了 HK$12 ,但她卻給我一個很重要的安心。她說她們承諾了今日下午五時前送達,就會做到。

或者這個 HK$12 的分別,就是這份安心吧。

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

落後 21 年…


香港不高興 from MagicHour Studio on Vimeo.


IBM ThinkPad T42

Lenovo IdeaPad S10-2


Custom-built Desktop

Internet Connection Performance

MK Home

TW Home

CMCC Peoples with Option Fusion 3G Quad
(Tested in MK Home)

1O1O 3G with HTC Touch HD on Bluetooth Connection
(Tested in St. Paul Hospital)

1O1O 3G with HTC Touch HD on USB Connection
(Tested in 10/F China Hong Kong City)

1O1O 3G with HTC Touch HD on USB Connection
(Tested in St. Paul Hospital)

1O1O 3G with HTC Touch Hero on USB Connection
(Tested in TW Home)

1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in St. Paul Hospital)

1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MAL-HK Office, China Hong Kong City)

1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MAL-HK Office, China Hong Kong City)

1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MK Home)

1O1O 3G NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MK Home)

SmarTone-Vodafone Home Broadband
(Tested in China Hong Kong City)

HKBN 10MB Business Broadband
(MAL-HK Office)

Hotel - Sheraton Bandara Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia