Thursday, October 04, 2012

Migration from iPhone to Google Phones

If you are NOT any of the following, the following is the ONLY technical support service that I could provide to you, regarding migration from iPhone to Google Phones:
  • paying customers
  • contributor of TeamViewer License Contribution Project
  • my family members
  • a close friend defined by me
In general, you need to do the following:
  1. export data (Contacts and Calendar) from iCloud, save it as vCard and ICS files on your computer
  2. import data into Google Contacts and Calendar
  3. setup Google phone connecting to your Google account
For exporting data files from iCloud

iCloud: How to back up iCloud data:
Follow steps on this page to export your data from iCloud, save them onto your computer.

Once you have vCard file for your Contacts and ICS file for your Calendar, you can login your Google account, and import them into your Google Contacts and Calendar.

For importing data into Google Services

Importing Contacts:
Import events from iCalendar or CSV files:
For setting up Google account on Google Phone
How to set up a Google account on Samsung Galaxy S3 (S III):
Using Google Services as Primary

After the above steps, your primary location for storing contacts and calendar will be Google Services.  You should create, save, edit and manage contacts and calendar events on your Google account, instead of iCloud.

On your Mac/iPhone/iPad, setup your iOS devices to be synchronized/able to access with Google Services.

Set up Google Sync with your iOS device:
Synchronize Google Apps with Mac:
Setup Google Sync on mobile/desktop:
That's all, hope you could make it.

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