Wednesday, April 27, 2005



這一刻最重要的,當然是她的平安和早日的康復。明天早上 11 時 45 分開始,請切切代禱。




我明白近來的事情或許是帶有試鍊的味道,但我相信,試鍊本身不是重點,而是在面對苦難的同時,神賜給我們平安和信心,讓我們經歷祂的慈愛、恩典和醫治大能。可不可以,以牧養和鼓勵的角度幫助肢體成長/面對?這都不是籍口呢 .......

Sunday, April 24, 2005

The new OM

As you may remember that I mentioned my new OM in my previous post ... the first image was not good - just because of smoking.

However, after 2 days of meeting, I had completely new understanding of him, and he did give me good feeling, friendly, hopes and vision of future! Well ..... although it was too late for me, I still hope all of my colleagues would be doing good with him.

He is a good boss and worth for us to work hard for. Following him is a good chance to develop and expand our horizon! I am sure if you could come one or two months earlier, I will not leave Getronics that easy ...

Thursday, April 21, 2005


童話 光良


今天晚上,我一個人在家,哭得很厲害 ...

曲:光良 詞:光良 編曲:Taichi Nakamura

忘了有多久 再沒聽到你 對我說你最愛的故事
我想了很久 我開始慌了 是不是我又做錯了甚麼

你哭著對我說 童話裡都是騙人的 我不可能是你的王子
也許你不會懂 從你說愛我以後 我的天空星星都亮了

我願變成童話裡 你愛的那個天使
張開雙手 變成翅膀守護你
你要相信 相信我們會像童話故事裡

我要變成童話裡 你愛的那個天使
張開雙手 變成翅膀守護你
你要相信 相信我們會像童話故事裡

我會變成童話裡 你愛的那個天使
張開雙手 變成翅膀守護你
你要相信 相信我們會像童話故事裡
幸福和快樂是結局 一起寫我們的結局

Monday, April 18, 2005

It was a hard time for me

It was a hard time for me today when I was back to office to have short meeting with my new operation manager. Today was the first time I meet with him.

Since there was no room for us, he brought me to the only smoking area of my office, and he quickly "finished" two cigarettes within 5 minutes. After the meeting, I was feeling headache and suffocating.

So, the first image of this operation manager was not good.

He is really new to my company, and I am just thinking if he could work on this position for more than 3 months .... or less?? Don't know.

Sunday, April 17, 2005





原來是這樣 ... 我也估計不到影響是這麼嚴重 ...

Saturday, April 16, 2005





Thursday, April 14, 2005





Wednesday, April 13, 2005


使用了超過 6 年的 One2Free 因為未有提供吸引的 GPRS 流動數據組合,所以我決定將會於 7 月 5 日開始轉用其他網絡供應商。

當然, 3 是絕對不會考慮的(即使是完全免費也不會領情),入選的供應商包括 Peoples 及 Smartone 。最遲會在 7 月 4 日作出決定。

又多一個理由 ...

Minnelli 不喜歡貓貓了。

剛才與 BB 玩得慶起,忘了形,給牠爪傷了。 Posted by Hello






Time for Waiting

Human being is spending too much time on waiting: waiting for dinner/lunch, waiting for dates, waiting for payroll, waiting for transporations, waiting for business deals .... all people keeps waiting for something to happen.

Well ... I am a romantic person, I see waiting as an art. During the waiting, I could imagine what it will be, and how I will react. Also I could think what will be the next thing I could wait, and then how I could prepare for my next reaction ... haha, really endless thoughts.

Today I spent 2 hours in waiting for 4 testing results. Before lunch hours, I received all 4 testing results without error. Afte having lunch with my customer, I started a job of restoring a file from backup at 1420 hours, and I am still waiting the restoration to be completed ... and the most *interesting* thing is, I spent more than 40 minutes for the job status reaching 100% from 99% - and I am still waiting it to happen.

I spent a whole day in this remote and cool server testing lab, alone. I spent almost two months in waiting for reply from my next possible employer - still expecting a good news from my mind; I spent a whole day in this server testing lab, but I could earn $684 - something I could see vaulable to me; I spent an entire year trying my best to recover relationships around me, most of the time I could do nothing but to wait ... last week I gave it up.

More and more evidences provided showing to me that waiting or expecting relationship recovery is something "it won't happen again", at least in this case. People needs reinforcement so that they could carry on and do more. I have no time to wait as a standby or substitution of someone else - as long as I am not the one, I could leave without a word.

Another reason behind my decision is very simple: cost of time for waiting is much much higher than what could be expected after the waiting and effort paid. Just very simple economical cost-benefit analysis applied. I am not going to explain more on this point.

Maybe another high cost of the waiting is, the expectation for result, which is only available after waiting, is always not fulfilled or not considered. When something unexpected happened, or expected thing never could not be done, you could only give up and try again - or never touch it again. In the past few years, I tried to pick it up again and again, because I believed in "when you are willing to do, there is always chance to make it". Now, I believe in "I am getting older and older, life is short and time is limited".

As a romantic person, as long as waiting for something is no longer joyful or creating value to my life, I will not wait for any second longer - at least I don't like to wait for someone's attention or selection.

Please give me back my time for my life. I need it.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


他是 Minnelli 的小學同學。
你會相信嗎? Posted by Hello



有人的地方就會有人的問題,當你走得愈高,看到愈多的時候,自然會感到高處的可怕 ... 還有身邊的人,無論是哪一個,其實與每一個人都一樣,一樣的可怕。

Monday, April 11, 2005

Third Interview ...


I am afraid I have to stay longer in this company ...

Third Interview

Tonight it will be the third interview, and I will be interviewing with the MIS director.

Well ... although you may already see difference on my daily livings, at least I have already prepared for the change and get ready to adopt into the new environment, it may be, as Minnelli said, too early to prepare and make changes.

Please pray for me, for my performance and may God give me wisdom in the interview.







我終於都記起了為甚麼我希望有一部好的手提電話,除了給我有 PDA 的功能,方便我的日常工作和生活外,亦要有簡單的拍攝功能,從而提供足夠解像度的影象讓我可以隨時記錄生活。

這樣的想法,是與一套在 Discovery Channel 播出的記錄片有關的。那套記錄片談及人類的記憶,嘗試找出人為何會記得事件、腦部是如何的運作,和部份腦部受損後人類如何復原。


想到如果自己是這樣的不幸的話,我必定不能工作,就連生活也會成很大的問題 ...... 但回想一下,我在讀大學的時候不是曾經有一段時間經常忘記新的事物嗎?所以我很重視生活記錄,不論是光與影的、聲音的、形體的或者是文字的記錄,我都重視。因為它們全都是我的生活歷史,都是我的過去。

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Microsoft Hardware

告訴你,我家裡有甚麼 Microsoft 的 hardware ,你或者會知道我除了是傻之外,其實 ... 都不算是窮:

Microsoft Mouse (按購買時序)

  1. Microsoft Wheel Mouse (最少四只,全已損毀並棄掉)
  2. Microsoft Wheel Optical (轉贈朋友)
  3. Microsoft IntelliMouse Optical (轉贈朋友)
  4. Microsoft Wireless Optical Mouse (共有兩只,伺服器共用及供明月使用)
  5. Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer (閒置)
  6. Microsoft Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer (於家裡自用)
  7. Microsoft Optical Mouse Blue (放到客戶辦公室裡自用)
  8. Microsoft Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse (隨身自用)

Microsoft Keyboard (按購買時序)

  1. Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop (伺服器共用)
  2. Microsoft Optical Desktop with Fingerprint Reader (於家裡自用)

回想起來,隨了 keyboard 在 1995 年至 1997 年使用 Acer OEM Keyboard 之外,印象裡並沒有再使用過其他品牌的 keyboard 或 mouse 了。


身處於祖家,爸爸異父異母的弟弟,於 2005 年 4 月 9 日早上於家中睡覺時逝世。





512MB Mini SD Card

今天我買了一張 512MB 的 Mini SD card ,我本以為不是甚麼特別的 ...

當我把原本在那張隨手機送的 128MB Mini SD card 裡的檔案 copy 到新卡後,我發現餘下的 380MB 記憶體可以讓我拍攝 5896 幅 VGA 照片,或者 25550 幅來電大頭貼照片,或者超過 294 分鐘的短片!

似乎 upgrade 了 memory card 後,我有近乎無盡的空間拍照片和短片了! =)


有時間可以到訪這裡,或者你可以找到我的 broadcast ,網上收聽我精選的歌曲呢! Posted by Hello




2005 年 4 月 10 日的凌晨,我作了這樣的決定:把她放棄了。





Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Kammy 的離去

Kammy 於 2005 年 4 月 5 日前往英國倫敦開展她的新婚生活了。

當然在於我來說,是很不捨得呢!我們真正相處的時間真的 .... 太短呢!希望她在英國能盡快適應,找到適合她的教會,開開心心的在主裡建立基督化家庭! Posted by Hello


2005 年 4 月 2 至 5 日,我們一行 4 人到了吉田和上帥,探訪了吉田教會,親眼看到了那裡的興盛;探訪了一些上帥的村民,看到神的福音慢慢地改變這地方。

不論怎樣也好,神待我們很好,不單止是因為祂看顧我們的行程,還有祂很愛上帥這地方,也讓我們有機會參與這愛心的工作。 Posted by Hello


IBM ThinkPad T42

Lenovo IdeaPad S10-2


Custom-built Desktop

Internet Connection Performance

MK Home

TW Home

CMCC Peoples with Option Fusion 3G Quad
(Tested in MK Home)

1O1O 3G with HTC Touch HD on Bluetooth Connection
(Tested in St. Paul Hospital)

1O1O 3G with HTC Touch HD on USB Connection
(Tested in 10/F China Hong Kong City)

1O1O 3G with HTC Touch HD on USB Connection
(Tested in St. Paul Hospital)

1O1O 3G with HTC Touch Hero on USB Connection
(Tested in TW Home)

1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in St. Paul Hospital)

1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MAL-HK Office, China Hong Kong City)

1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MAL-HK Office, China Hong Kong City)

1O1O NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MK Home)

1O1O 3G NextG with Express 7 Modem
(Tested in MK Home)

SmarTone-Vodafone Home Broadband
(Tested in China Hong Kong City)

HKBN 10MB Business Broadband
(MAL-HK Office)

Hotel - Sheraton Bandara Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia